Displaying 1 - 20 of 32
17 December 2024

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 169: How Shocks Turn into Crises: national policies for advancing social development in turbulent times

Shocks and crises have become more frequent, intense and widespread in an interconnected world. Looking toward the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025, this policy brief focuses on explaining how shocks turn into crises and how national policies, supported by the international community, can help counter shocks, build resilience, and advance social development objectives, namely eradicating poverty, promoting full and productive employment, and fostering social inclusion in times of converging crises.

04 December 2024

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 168: Net Wealth Taxes: How they can help fight inequality and fund sustainable development

Ensuring effective taxation of wealth is a tool to address inequality, increase progressivity in the tax system, and raise domestic revenues to finance sustainable development. This policy brief outlines the advantages and disadvantages of net wealth taxes, lays out some policy instruments that help in their administration, and explains why and how international tax cooperation can aid countries in successfully levying net wealth taxes.

17 October 2024

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 166: Global action is needed to advance social development amidst converging crises

In an interconnected world, more frequent, severe and far-reaching shocks and crises are derailing key social development objectives such as poverty eradication, full employment and inequality reduction through a range of channels. Global action is needed to advance social development and build resilient and inclusive societies for all.

23 August 2024

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 163: Policy Choices for Leaving No One Behind (LNOB): Overview From 2023 SDG Summit Commitments

Prioritizing leaving no one behind (LNoB), 31 countries have introduced new policies and commitments aimed at eradicating poverty, enhancing human capital, addressing uneven access to basic necessities, improving decision-making processes on sustainable development and ensuring no country or locality is left behind.

29 November 2023

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 155: Accelerating middle-income countries’ progress towards sustainable development

Many MICs require international support to address current and long-term challenges. Eligibility criteria that rely only on income per capita limit available support – including access to concessional finance – without accounting for MICs’ multidimensional development needs.

27 January 2023

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 150: Economic well-being at older ages: prospects for the future

More must be done to tackle decent work challenges, promote transitions from informal to formal employment, combat long-term unemployment and strengthen mechanisms to set and adjust wages.

04 January 2023

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 146: Why safe, orderly and regular migration matters for sustainable development

Respecting, protecting and fulfilling the human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, benefit migrants and countries alike. Addressing the adverse drivers and structural factors that hinder people from building and maintaining sustainable livelihoods in their own countries and communities can reduce the pressure to migrate.

11 November 2022

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 142: Old-age poverty has a woman’s face

An agenda on gender equality aimed at reducing women’s poverty, including in old age, should promote women’s labour market participation and decent work, ease their care burden and improve women’s pension coverage as well as pension adequacy.

18 October 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #119: The critical role of income redistribution for poverty reduction: Alternative scenarios

Achieving SDG 1 by 2030, will require extraordinary efforts by countries, both individually and collectively.

15 June 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #108: Trust in public institutions: Trends and implications for economic security

Economic insecurity—which the COVID-19 crisis threatens to exacerbate—and perceptions of poor or corrupt government performance undermine the social contract and are closely linked to declines in institutional trust.

19 May 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #106: Reducing poverty and inequality in rural areas: key to inclusive development

Countries that have succeeded in reducing both rural poverty and inequalities have promoted inclusive agricultural growth, access to land and social protection in rural areas, and paid special attention to the needs of the most vulnerable.

17 May 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #104: In situ urbanization key to leaving no one behind

Expanding opportunities in non-farm activities in rural areas is a key for sustainable development without “leaving no one behind”. Where the typical farmers are small landowners, technology alone may not be able to help farmers escape from poverty, and technical advances need to be complemented by a holistic approach.

10 March 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #95: What triggers economic insecurity and who is most at risk?

A full recovery from the pandemic crisis is not possible without addressing economic security and reducing inequality.
This policy brief highlights inequality in the experience of economic security focusing on the risks to livelihoods and the protections against those risks as laid out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10 March 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #94: A changing world of work: implications for the social contract

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the world
of work, hitting labour markets that were already weak
and fragile.

29 January 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #91: The politics of economic insecurity in the COVID-19 era

The COVID-19 crisis has served as a reminder of the extent of economic insecurity, even in countries and among groups that previously considered themselves secure. This is likely to have profound consequences, threatening countries’ ability to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs.

29 January 2021

UN/DESA Policy Brief #90: A new global deal must promote economic security

Fears related to economic insecurity are on the rise. Changes in the world of work, together with globalization and technological breakthroughs, have benefited many people but are also putting many others at disadvantage or at risk. These long-standing trends, which have raised aspirations but also fears, are compounded by evolving threats, including those brought about by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

15 October 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #86: The long-term impact of COVID-19 on poverty

As developing countries currently face the prospect
of costly debt crises with far-reaching consequences,
global action is urgently needed. The window to mitigate
the disastrous long-term consequences of COVID-19 on
poverty is closing rapidly.

28 May 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #76: COVID-19 poses grievous economic challenge to landlocked developing countries

The Covid-19 pandemic is increasing the risks of a balance of payments crisis, a food crisis and a debt crisis in landlocked developing countries

14 May 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #71: COVID-19 pandemic deals a huge blow to the manufacturing exports from LDCs

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant economic challenge to LDCs that rely heavily on exporting manufactured goods, particularly clothing and apparel, amid global demand and supply-side shocks.

01 May 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #66: COVID-19 and the least developed countries

Covid-19 threatens to have devastating consequences in least developed countries (LDCs). Unless bold policy actions are taken by the international community, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline will likely slip out of reach.