High-Level Political Forum 2023
The HLPF is the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global level.
International Youth Day
In 1999, in its resolution 54/120, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.
International Day Of The World’s Indigenous Peoples
On 23 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided, in its resolution 49/214, that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People shall be observed on 9 August every year. The date marks the first meeting, in 1982, of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations.
UN Public Service Awards 2024
The most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service, the United Nations Public Service Awards rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. Through an annual competition, the UN Public Service Awards promotes the role, professionalism and visibility of public service.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Observed on 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011. WEAAD represents the one day in the year when the world raises its voice in opposition to elder abuse and enhances the recognition of the dignity of older persons and their right to live their lives free from fear and violence.
International Day Of Families
As part of the preparations for the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, 2024 (IYF+30), the 2023 in-person observance of the International Day of Families focuses on the megatrend of demographic change and its impact on families. The event is to share current knowledge on demographic trends, including ageing and intergenerational solidarity; facilitate the analysis of their impacts on family life and recommend responsive family-oriented policies to respond to the needs of families around the world.
UN Forum on Forests
This month, the sustainable management of the world’s forests will take centre stage at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Officials from UN Member States, the UN system, international and regional organizations, will gather to discuss this critical planetary resource at the UN Forum on Forests on 8-12 May 2023.
At a time when intersecting global crises are posing unprecedented challenges to advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the International Development Law Organization and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy announce that the fourth SDG 16 Conference will take place from 30 May to 1 June 2023 in Rome, Italy.
STI Forum
The eighth annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) will be held from 3 to 4 May 2023. The Forum will be convened by the President of ECOSOC Her Excellency Lachezara Stoeva who has appointed two co-chairs – H.E. Ms.
Commission on Population and Development
A Population Commission was established by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 3 (III) of 3 October 1946. In its resolution 49/128 of 19 December 1994, the General Assembly decided that the Commission should be renamed the Commission on Population and Development.