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Vol 26, No. 11 – November 2022

World Toilet Day 2022: Making the invisible visible

Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere. This World Toilet Day is all about making the invisible visible and taking action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation for all. The 3.6 billion people worldwide who lack access to safely managed sanitation depend on these efforts. Learn more about the day and ways to get involved.

What is the aim of World Toilet Day?

Vol 26, No. 11 – November 2022

UN Big Data Hackathon calls for solutions to current global challenges

Close to 2,000 data scientists and statisticians from more than 70 counties will compete in the 2022 UN Big Data Hackathon from 8 to 11 November 2022 as part of the 7th International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics.

Vol 26, No. 11 – November 2022

Big data and data science play a key role in addressing global challenges

The world faces many global challenges related to the environment, climate change, health, food insecurity, economic recovery and human displacement. COVID-19 and the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine have caused disruptions in supply chains and have raised energy and food prices significantly, making it difficult for millions of people around the world to cover their basic needs of food, water and shelter. The resilience of our societies is further tested by typhoons, flood, drought and other severe weather patterns.

Vol 26, No. 10 – October 2022

Growing old and staying resilient

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly or indirectly caused the loss of lives of over 12 million older persons. Yet this constituency chose to commemorate the International Day of Older Persons, celebrated globally on 1 October, by calling for public recognition of their strength, participation, productivity, resourcefulness and humanity in sustainable development.

Vol 26, No. 10 – October 2022

Dignity for all in practice

Both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the World Summit for Social Development are committed to seeking lasting solutions to eradicating poverty, creating full employment and decent work for all, and building more inclusive societies.

Vol 26, No. 10 – October 2022

What does a stronger U.S. dollar mean for developing countries?

The U.S. dollar has reached historic high levels not seen for two decades, as the United States Federal Reserve has been increasing its interest rates aggressively since March 2022 amid stubbornly high inflation. Higher interest rates and the relative stability of the United States economy have boosted the dollar’s appeal and triggered a ‘flight to safety’ in the international capital market.

Vol 26, No. 10 – October 2022

Water and sanitation for all: is the glass half empty or half full?

In 1977, the first Apple II computers were sold and the first Star Wars movie premiered. But did you know that 1977 was also the year of the first ever United Nations Water Conference, held in Mar del Plata, Argentina?

Almost fifty years later, where are we now on the issue of water and sanitation for all? Is the glass half empty or half full?

Vol 26, No. 9 – September 2022

A bleak outlook for the global economy

The global economic outlook looks bleak. Persistent high inflation, aggressive monetary tightening, and uncertainties from both the war in Ukraine and the lingering pandemic has battered and bruised the global economy. In addition, soaring food and energy prices are eroding real incomes, triggering a global cost-of-living crisis, particularly for the most vulnerable.

Vol 26, No. 9 – September 2022

Behind the numbers: explore vast assets of SDG data

Alongside The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 are an array of assets to guide audiences to dive deeper into the SDG data, trends and real-life stories behind the numbers to help further understand SDG progress globally. Start exploring here:

Vol 26, No. 9 – September 2022

Business leaders gather to find solutions for the SDGs

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the outlook for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally. Food, fuel and energy prices are skyrocketing as a result of the war in Ukraine. Heat waves and drought have had consequential effects on consumption and production processes across the globe.

How can responsible businesses navigate the current multiple crises while contributing to the long-term success of building a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient world within the planetary boundaries?