
More from UN DESA

Vol 27, No. 6 – June 2023

Raising our voices against gender-based violence in older age

Observed on 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011. WEAAD represents the one day in the year when the world raises its voice in opposition to elder abuse and enhances the recognition of the dignity of older persons and their right to live their lives free from fear and violence.

Vol 27, No. 6 – June 2023

Unlocking sustainable development financing through Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs)

As countries worldwide work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, financing becomes increasingly vital. In 2015, UN Member States adopted the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and agreed to use Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) to support nationally owned sustainable development strategies.

Vol 27, No. 6 – June 2023

Celebrating 20 years of public service innovation for sustainable development and inclusion

For two decades, the United Nations Public Service Awards Programme (UNPSA) has celebrated excellence in public service by recognizing the creative achievements and contributions of public institutions to address the social, economic and environmental needs of society. The annual Awards programme which began in 2003 serves as a prominent platform for highlighting global innovations and best practices in public administration and governance.

Vol 25, No. 5 – May 2023

How standardizing geographical names can make an impact on sustainable development

Wherever we go in the world and whatever we do –whether we’re walking around town, using a ride-sharing app, surfing the Internet, or shopping for groceries – we encounter names of places. These geographical names provide us not only with a sense of place but also with a means of getting around, helping us find information and organize the world we live in.

Vol 25, No. 5 – May 2023

Engage with UN DESA on LinkedIn

Last month, UN DESA joined millions of online users on LinkedIn, launching its presence on the platform. Home of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this is the space where our audiences will be able to obtain the latest updates, information and data within the area of economic, social and sustainable development.

“If you want access to the most accurate, up-to-date data and analysis on sustainable development, our new LinkedIn platform is the place to be,” said Lin Yang, Head of the Strategic Planning and Communication Services in UN DESA.

Vol 25, No. 5 – May 2023

Peace, justice and strong institutions: a beacon of hope amid today’s multiple global challenges

Intersecting global crises are posing unprecedented challenges to advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The causes and effects of these crises – and the actions needed to address them – are interconnected and deeply rooted in issues of human rights, justice, equity, inclusion, accountability, and good governance. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions encompasses all these issues and can play a vital role in addressing the key challenges that the world is currently facing.

Vol 25, No. 5 – May 2023

Mid-year update on the global economic situation foresees more uncertainty as policymakers are facing a complex economic context

As we enter May 2023, the global economic situation remains highly uncertain amid an extraordinary confluence of recent shocks that have affected countries across the world. Inflation has remained stubbornly persistent in many countries, directly impacting the lives of the poor, and posing a significant challenge to central bankers around the world.

Vol 27, No. 4 – April 2023

A rights-based approach to Indigenous issues

The United Nations will welcome hundreds of Indigenous Peoples from around the world for the 22nd session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) to be held in New York from 17 to 28 April. They will be discussing the most relevant and pressing issues with members of the Permanent Forum, Member States, and UN entities. Here are some key topics to look out for:

Health of the Planet = Health of Peoples

Vol 27, No. 4 – April 2023

Access to education for a growing population is key to achieving the SDGs

The role of education in advancing societal progress is well established. Educational achievement impacts people’s lives and supports global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Learning contributes to poverty alleviation, improving health and well-being, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women, reducing inequalities and achieving environmental sustainability. A well-rounded education equips people of all ages to adopt innovative practices that minimize the harmful environmental impacts of their economic activities.

Vol 27, No. 4 – April 2023

Partnerships and innovation for better data

The rapid expansion in new sources of data – from national statistics to citizen-generated data and private sector data for public good – are creating large-scale opportunities for new solutions, innovative approaches, and partnerships for better data for a more sustainable future for all.