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Expert report to urge government synergy in tackling climate and sustainable development crises
A new report by a UN-convened expert group will urge governments to break down siloes at national and international levels to address the climate and sustainable development crises and achieve transformative change. On 16 July, the 2024 report of the Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy - co-convened by UN DESA and UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) - will be presented to delegates at a special event of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York.
The report comes at a crucial time. Goals for both the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are off track and we need accelerated implementation and synergistic action. Moreover, in 2025, countries are obligated under the Paris Agreement to put forward new and ambitious commitments through enhanced nationally determined contributions (NDCs). This presents a major opportunity to better integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their own national priorities into their climate plans for accelerated impact.
According to the report, the insufficient progress on both climate goals and the SDGs is caused by a lack of political will, as well as deep fragmentation and inertia in global systems for governance, finance and research. It argues these systems are no longer fit for purpose. Deep transformative changes are now needed, the experts conclude, and a focus on synergies is vital - between climate action and sustainable development, and across sectors and stakeholders.
This report builds on a growing body of evidence that links an overwhelming majority of the SDG targets to climate. The recommendations in the report will be advanced at various fora including the Fifth Global Synergy Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 5-6 September 2024.
For more information:
Bridging the Ambition Gap for the Future We Want through Climate and SDGs Synergy
Image source: Canva