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Fulfilling the promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights across generations

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was the first document to outline fundamental human rights that should be protected universally. However, the existing norms and procedures have become fragmented, and their limitations have resulted in a failure to adequately recognize and protect the human rights of older people at the international level.
The outcomes of the 4th review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing reveal that age-based discrimination in institutions, attitudes, and practices is still widespread. In the absence of human rights norms and standards particular to the situation of older persons at the international level, the ability to unpack the complexities and changing nature of discrimination and intersecting forms of inequality is limited.
This year, older persons and their representative organizations chose the theme “Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across Generations” to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP). Fostering intergenerational solutions rooted in a life course approach represents one strategy that the Day will focus on towards fulfilling the promises envisioned of equality, freedom and justice for all.
The event, organized in collaboration with the NGO Committee on Ageing in New York, will take place on 2 October in the ECOSOC Chamber at 10:00 am EST. It is anticipated that older persons and their representative organizations will call on Governments and the United Nations system to generate commitments, in partnership with older persons themselves, to strengthen the protection of the human rights of current and future generations of older persons around the world. To follow the discussions and engage via social media, use #OlderPersonsDay #UNIDOP2023.
For more information: International Day of Older Persons