Displaying 21 - 27 of 27
14 July 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #82: COVID-19 and a primer on shock-responsive social protection systems

Risks of implementing more shockresponsive social protection include overwhelming demand, lack of coordination, poor targeting and negative public perception. These can be partially offset by ensuring universal access to programmes. A country’s available fiscal space and level of debt distress are key contextual factors that determine the feasibility of more shock-responsive social protection.

11 June 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #79: The role of public service and public servants during the COVID-19 pandemic

If not contained, the pandemic will jeopardize meeting the 2030 deadline, by diverting resources from development efforts to crisis response. The public servant sits at the heart of ensuring effective response to the crisis, whether as a frontline worker in healthcare, or in devising strategies and plans to mitigate its impact.

15 May 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #75: COVID-19: Reaffirming State-People Governance Relationships

This policy brief discusses the role of effective governance, and in particular the role of the relationship between the state and people, in building countries’ resiliency and in responding to and managing nation-wide crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

15 May 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #74: Resilient institutions in times of crisis: transparency, accountability and participation at the national level key to effective response to COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents a risk to key dimensions of national institutions highlighted in Sustainable Development Goal 16 (in terms of limiting transparency and access to information, eroding safeguards to accountability including integrity violations, fraud and corruption, and restricting participation and engagement).

14 May 2020

政策简报 72: 关于COVID-19社会经济影响的政策简报: 2019冠状病毒病与主权债务


22 April 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #62: The COVID-19 pandemic: a wake-up call for better cooperation at the science–policy–society interface

This brief suggests five early lessons from the response to the pandemic that can strengthen how science and technology are harnessed, including strengthening national capacities for science-based decision making.

15 April 2020

UN/DESA Policy Brief #61: COVID-19: Embracing digital government during the pandemic and beyond

The efforts in developing digital government strategies after the COVID-19 crisis should focus on improving data protection and digital inclusion policies as well as on strengthening the policy and technical capabilities of public institutions.