Displaying 49 - 60 of 178
Economic Analysis and Policy

There are two major failings in policy interventions in the crisis in the US and Europe: the reluctance to remove the debt overhang through timely, orderly and comprehensive restructuring and the shift to fiscal austerity after an initial reflation. These have resulted in excessive reliance on monetary means with central banks entering uncharted policy waters, including zero-bound interest rates and the acquisition of long-term public and private bonds. This ultra-easy monetary policy has not been very effective in reducing the debt overhang and stimulating spending. It has, however, generated financial fragility, at home and abroad, particularly in the case of the US as the issuer of…

Financing for Development

From around 2000 onward, donors and recipient governments embarked upon a new aid paradigm. The most important elements include increased selectivity in the aid allocation, more ownership of recipient countries based on nationally elaborated PRSPs, and more donor alignment and harmonization via program-based approaches such as budget support. The paper assesses the theoretical merits of this new paradigm, identifying some contradictions and limitations, and then examines its implementation over the past decade and its results. The empirical results largely confirm the earlier identified weaknesses and limitations. The paper concludes with some suggestions for improving aid practices.

Economic Analysis and Policy

The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of unconventional monetary policy measures adopted in developed countries (the US, UK, Euro Area and Japan) on developing economies (Brazil, China, India and Russia). First, we analyse the domestic and cross-border financial market impact of unconventional monetary policy announcements by central banks, using a series of event studies. We find that quantitative easing (QE) by the FED, BoE, ECB and BoJ influenced long term yields, equity prices, and possibly exchange rates both in the developed and developing countries (for example we find that QE resulted in decreases in long term yields by about 125 basis points in the US, about 100…

Financing for Development

This paper recalls the history of proposed “innovative” mechanisms by which governments could strengthen financial cooperation for development. Such proposals sought more predictable and assured financial flows to facilitate recipient country programming, while also substantially adding to the volume of highly concessional international support for development. International discussions of these proposals mostly began in the 1960s and in many cases continue today, although implementation thus far has been modest. These discussions are contrasted with generally more recent proposals that proponents call “innovative” but that do not share the characteristics of the more radical thinking…

Economic Analysis and Policy

This paper examines the distributional effects of fiscal austerity. Using episodes of fiscal consolidation measures for a sample of 17 OECD countries over the period 1978-2009, we find that fiscal consolidation episodes have typically led to a significant and long-lasting increase in inequality. Tax-based consolidation episodes tend to have a larger and more persistent effect on inequality than spendingbased consolidations. The evidence also shows that while fiscal consolidations have typically led to a fall in wage income, they have not had a significant effect on profit and rent income.

Demographic dynamics have strong repercussions for development and need to be addressed in the definition of the global development strategy for post 2015. Despite divergent trends across countries, international migration offers no definitive solution. A comprehensive approach is needed. Countries with declining and ageing workforces need to sustain or raise productivity. Countries with growing labour forces need to embark in growth patterns that are labour intensive, offer possibilities for dynamic structural change and productivity increases. Both cases require investments in education, skill formation and upgrading. The impact of population ageing on economic variables is nuanced but…


Demographic dynamics have strong repercussions for development and need to be addressed in the definition of the global development strategy for post 2015. Despite divergent trends across countries, international migration offers no definitive solution. A comprehensive approach is needed. Countries with declining and ageing workforces need to sustain or raise productivity. Countries with growing labour forces need to embark in growth patterns that are labour intensive, offer possibilities for dynamic structural change and productivity increases. Both cases require investments in education, skill formation and upgrading. The impact of population ageing on economic variables is nuanced but…

Financing for Development

The international community has advanced in reforming the international aid system. Such reform comes at a time when there is a renewed skepticism about aid effectiveness and when the crisis sheds new doubts about the sustainability of donors´ commitments. At the same time, the international reality has changed as a consequence of the growing heterogeneity of the developing world, the new geography of global poverty, the emergence of new powers from the developing world, the presence of new aid players and, finally, the enlargement of the sphere of international public goods. Such changes demand a deeper reform in the development cooperation system.

Financing for Development

The International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm), which securitized future aid commitments by donor countries, has been successful in providing funds to immunize children in poor countries. Since capital is likely to remain scarce, the paper evaluates the prospects of setting up IFFIm-like mechanisms to fund a variety of objectives. Two broad conclusions emerge. First, replicating IFFIm could prove challenging because donor pledges will lack the desired credibility. Second, credit enhancements like third party guarantees, excess coverage, and channeling of pledges through a preferred creditor, could overcome this deficiency. Finally, Advance Market Commitments and Cash on…

Financing for Development

This paper argues that the technical and political difficulties of using SDRs for development can be overcome. This requires an SDR-based reserve system and a fully SDR-funded IMF. The IMF would allocate SDRs counter-cyclically and treat them as deposits of countries, which could be used in lending to them. A substitution account is needed for a smooth transition from major reserve currencies to SDRs. To avoid the deficiency payments, a counterpart account – which would be credited when the substitution account is in surplus and debited when in deficit – is required. Alternatively, politically-feasible cost-sharing mechanisms could be designed.

Financing for Development

This paper assesses the scope and impact of innovative development finance (IDF) in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries in the 2000s. It also reports the views from the region’s relevant actors regarding IDF. The paper finds that very little IDF flowed to LAC in the 2000s, though it was significant for a few, poorer, and smaller countries, such as Haiti and Nicaragua. The views from the region suggest that LAC should fight for greater share of existing and prospective IDF, but also make better use of other available resources, such as remittances and flows through South-South cooperation.

Economic Analysis and Policy

This paper argues that SDRs should become a more relevant instrument of international monetary cooperation. This requires transforming them into a pure reserve asset and the IMF into a fully SDR-funded institution. SDRs would then be issued counter-cyclically and treated as deposits of countries in the IMF, which can in turn lend to countries. This approach would correct basic deficiencies of the current global monetary system. Complementary reforms include a substitution account for an orderly and smooth transition from major reserve currencies to SDRs, and the issuance of SDR-denominated bonds as an alternative to other major short-term assets.