This paper assesses the scope and impact of innovative development finance (IDF) in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries in the 2000s. It also reports the views from the region’s relevant actors regarding IDF. The paper finds that very little IDF flowed to LAC in the 2000s, though it was significant for a few, poorer, and smaller countries, such as Haiti and Nicaragua. The views from the region suggest that LAC should fight for greater share of existing and prospective IDF, but also make better use of other available resources, such as remittances and flows through South-South cooperation.
Innovative Development Finance: The Latin American Experience
Working Paper Date:
Category: Financing for Development
Document Symbol: ST/ESA/2012/DWP/124
JEL Classification: O16; F36; F40; F63
Keywords: Innovative development finance (IDF), health funds, climate funds, capital flows, remittances, South-South Cooperation, Sustainable development, Latin America
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