
UN DESA Monthly Newsletter for September 2022

Monthly Newsletter: Vol 26, No. 9 – September 2022
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More than 20 years of data – and a vision of the future

So much has changed since the inaugural issue of the United Nations E-Government Survey in 2001. Back then, the Survey included assessment points that now seem firmly entrenched in the past. Fast forward to 21 years of publication, the Survey no longer measures telephone lines and televisions – instead it assesses mobile and broadband. Stay tuned for the latest edition out on 28 September.

Expert Voices

“Knowledge-sharing is a superpower”

Capacity development plays a key role in UN DESA’s efforts to support countries as they strive to achieve the global goals. As part of this work, e-learning is an important enabler for accessible and agile learning. We spoke with Nina Brandt in UN DESA’s Capacity Development Programme Management Office to learn more about the benefits of digital learning and how technology can help us all to be more connected.

Why did UN DESA develop an e-learning platform?

Things You Need To Know

Meet UN DESA’s new Under-Secretary-General Mr. Li Junhua

After five years of dedicated service to UN DESA and the international community, Liu Zhenmin hands over the baton to a new Under-Secretary-General at the end of the summer. On 30 August, the United Nations welcomes Li Junhua to lead UN DESA’s work promoting sustainable development for all. Here are 4 things you need to know about Mr. Li and his role heading UN DESA.

1. Brings a vision on multilateral collaboration, benefiting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development