Leaving no village behind
Around the world, four out of every five people facing extreme poverty live in rural areas. In cities, 5.3 per cent of people suffer extreme poverty, while this share climbs to 18 per cent for rural residents. The upcoming World Social Report 2021 examines the urban-rural divide and offers solutions to ensure that no village is left behind.
A year into COVID-19 – how do we invest to recover better?
What have we learned from the ravages of COVID-19, with a global economic standstill and millions of people left reeling in its wake? How do we repair broken systems that failed to prevent this crisis? The upcoming Financing for Development Forum will explore how to invest to recover better.
Making nature count
Since the beginning of time, we have treated nature as a free and endless provider of services. We hike in forests, swim in oceans and use its resources without a second thought. But even if we don’t pay for these goods and services, their value is far from zero.
In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to realize that we have taken nature for granted for far too long.