Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
24 April 2023

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 153: India overtakes China as the world’s most populous country

Taking account of future population trends in national development planning is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, those related to poverty, food security, health, education, gender equality, decent work, inequality, urbanization and the environment, and for ensuring that no one is left behind.

04 January 2023

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 146: Why safe, orderly and regular migration matters for sustainable development

Respecting, protecting and fulfilling the human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, benefit migrants and countries alike. Addressing the adverse drivers and structural factors that hinder people from building and maintaining sustainable livelihoods in their own countries and communities can reduce the pressure to migrate.

16 December 2022

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 145: On the importance of monitoring inequality in life expectancy

Financing and enhancing statistical capacity for high-quality, timely and reliable disaggregated data in developing countries, is essential to better understand and respond to inequalities in life expectancy.

01 November 2022

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 140: A World of 8 Billion

Wealthy countries and the international community should support sustainable development in low-income and lower-middle-income countries by providing the necessary technical and financial assistance so that their economies can grow rapidly using technologies that minimise environmental harms.

12 May 2022

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 133: Migration Trends and Families

It is indispensable to incorporate a family perspective into migration policy analysis. Since families socialize and provide economically and emotionally for the next generation, they should be seen as essential for migrants’ integration into new societies. Thus, policies facilitating family reunification, social protection and intergenerational support are key in successful integration.

26 February 2022

UN DESA Policy Brief No. 130: Why population growth matters for sustainable development

World population continues to grow and is expected to peak at a level of almost 11 billion around the year 2100. Most of this growth will take place in low-income and lower middle-income countries.