It would be hard to fathom any Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) being achieved without either adequate human and financial resources and partnerships or institutions that are effective, inclusive and accountable. One would expect, therefore, that two of the most cross-cutting SDGs of the 2030 Agenda, SDG16 on Peace, justice and strong institutions and SDG17 on the Means of implementation and partnerships for development would receive ample attention in scholarly work and policy analysis. A quick overview of the literature reveals, however, that although SDG16 and SDG17 are examined quite extensively in and of themselves, linkages between the two seldom receive attention.
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Financing for Development
Financing for Development
The prolonged sluggishness in the world economy since the global financial crisis has led to growing calls for a reorientation of macroeconomic policies toward more supportive fiscal measures. Such calls inevitably invite the question of how much fiscal space governments actually have. This paper provides a systematic review of the most popular definitions and measures of fiscal space. It examines the evolution of fiscal space measures and discusses the pros and cons of each measure. It then outlines several key factors that could help to further strengthen existing approaches and allow a more comprehensive assessment of fiscal space. By illustrating how different measures paint…