Recommitting to our global promise at the SDG Summit
Picture a world where poverty recedes, where hunger is but a distant memory, where inequalities dissolve, where girls and boys rise side by side, and where the environment thrives alongside humanity. The SDGs, conceived in 2015 with the world's collective voice, outlined this vision. But midway through our journey, we must confront the hard truths: our progress is slow and the challenges before us loom large.
Expert Voices
Time to scale up creative solutions to bridge the SDG funding gap
Financing to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is off track. The annual funding gap has widened and is currently estimated at over $4 trillion. How can we close this gap and what role will the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development on 20 September play to secure financing for the goals? We spoke with UN DESA’s Shari Spiegel who explains.
Things You Need To Know
5 reasons why science can help the world achieve the SDGs
Achieving the global goals by 2030 will be no easy task. Fortunately, an Independent Group of Scientists (IGS) is working on a new set of recommendations to leverage the power of science to navigate between our economic, social and environmental objectives. The two IGS co-chairs. J. Jaime Miranda and Imme Scholz, shared their ideas about how science can inspire the development transformations we need.