Igniting the spark of a clean energy revolution
Transforming the way our world produces energy will be critical to tackling both the climate crisis and the energy access crisis. Now, 80 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions stems from our energy production, making it one of the main drivers of climate change. And 760 million people live without electricity, while 2.6 billion cook with dirty, unhealthy fuels.
Expert Voices
The gender inequality of time
When the pandemic hit, leaving children without a school to go to and elderly people confined to the house, it was the women of the family who were suddenly expected to become teachers, carers and domestic helpers, often at the expense of their professional careers. A new tool developed by UN DESA may soon tell us exactly how much more domestic work falls on the shoulder of women during a crisis. UN DESA Statistician Lubov Zeifman tells us about it.
Things You Need To Know
Four things you should know about food systems
Billions of people, from farmers to supermarket cashiers, to those who monitor food safety or install irrigation technologies contribute to the world’s food systems. This web of connected people and processes is at the heart of food security and nutrition for the world’s growing population. As the global community prepares for the Food Systems Summit this month, here are four things you should know about the world’s food systems:
1. Food systems are an entry point for achieving all 17 SDGs