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Growing old and staying resilient

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly or indirectly caused the loss of lives of over 12 million older persons. Yet this constituency chose to commemorate the International Day of Older Persons, celebrated globally on 1 October, by calling for public recognition of their strength, participation, productivity, resourcefulness and humanity in sustainable development.
In today’s world, global challenges have taken its toll on humanity, but older persons have demonstrated their remarkable resilience. They possess the skills, knowledge and experience that give them the capacity not only to take the lead in their own betterment, but also to participate fully and without discrimination in the economic, social and political arenas in their communities.
Building resilience is a critical step towards a sustained and transformative recovery and achieving the 2030 Agenda. Rescuing the Sustainable Development Goals is now more important than ever. A positive view of ageing is an integral aspect of these efforts.
The commemoration of #OlderPersonsDay on 3 October in New York will highlight the lived experiences of many older persons who have leaped to calls for support throughout the pandemic, the conflicts, and the disastrous effects of a changing climate – despite facing threats to their own lives, safety, health and well-being. We are all deeply grateful to them, for inspiring us with their strength and their example.