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This was our year: UN DESA Annual Highlights 2020-2021

2020 and 2021 brought unprecedented challenges to people and societies all over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic unfurled a cascade of global health, social, and economic shocks, intensifying the need for transformative change.
UN DESA aimed to accelerate this change, supporting governments to shape an inclusive recovery from the crisis and to get back on track to realize the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Coming this week, UN DESA Annual Highlights 2020-2021 provides a glimpse of our efforts.
Over the course of the year, UN DESA helped Member States to effectively evaluate their progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by supporting the High-level Political Forum and other critical mechanisms focused on achieving sustainable development for all.
Experts in the Department launched a series of ambitious policy recommendations to finance pandemic response and recovery and transition to more sustainable economies and societies. This work informed public infrastructure investment, addressed means of curbing illicit financial flows, supported international tax cooperation, and mobilized private investment for sustainable development.
UN DESA facilitated efforts within the statistical community to agree on a complement to the GDP, making nature count through the System for Environmental-Economic Accounting. We promoted the role of science, technology, and innovation to shape inclusive, resilient, and sustainable recovery and development.
We backed the capacity needs of Member States in shaping effective social protection policies and supported countries to strengthen their public institutions and services in the recovery efforts.
The Department also helped nations protect livelihoods and our planet through our support to the High-level Dialogue on Energy, the Second Global Sustainable Transport Conference and the United Nations Forum on Forests, among others.
With the 2030 Agenda as the cornerstone of our efforts, UN DESA will continue to support the international community to take the bold actions that we need today, to ensure a better and fairer tomorrow.