
More from UN DESA

Volume 26 | No.6 | June 2022

How can the public service leverage partnerships to build back better?


Over two years ago the world shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic while essential workers risked their lives, some losing them to keep us alive. Governments scrambled, mobilizing public-private partnerships to set up services driven by digital technology to support people’s  daily life.

Videos surfaced from around the world of people united to applaud those on the frontlines, banging pots from their balconies, performing concerts on Zoom, and, as the world began to open up, cities like New York held parades to salute “the people who kept us alive”.

By now, countries have learned to deal better with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 and  are also re-opening economies and addressing the social and public health consequences of COVID-19. Countries are also leveraging the opportunity to ‘build back better’, enhancing the resiliency of their institutions to future crises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

It is clear that national responses alone are not enough, and while the pandemic put enormous strain on public expenditure and resources, it highlighted the need for sound global partnerships.

To celebrate the 2022 United Nations Public Service Day, UN DESA will hold a 1.5-hour virtual event on 22 June on the theme of “Building back better from COVID-19: Enhancing innovative partnerships to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.”

It will bring together key stakeholders, public servants, and United Nations officials to discuss the role of partnerships in building back better from COVID-19 and innovation in creating and sustaining partnerships for effective public service delivery.

Mr. Liu Zhenmin, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs will also announce the 2022 United Nations Public Service Award winners during the virtual event.

For more information: UN Public Service Day 2022