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New report on international migration and sustainable development in time for International Migrants Day
Every year, millions of people leave their countries of origin to move abroad. The reasons and circumstances that motivate or compel people to migrate are diverse. Some leave in search of better work opportunities, to pursue educational goals or to reunite with family, while others leave to escape conflict, violence or persecution.
International migrants are important agents of change, making positive contributions to sustainable development in communities of origin and destination. They are also among the groups most vulnerable to being excluded from the benefits of development.
In recent decades, international migration has emerged as a critical policy issue. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognized the contributions of migrants to inclusive and sustainable growth and called on Member States to strengthen cooperation to ensure orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration with full respect for human rights.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, rooted in the 2030 Agenda, has further consolidated the importance of migration in the global policy agenda.
On 18 December, International Migrants Day, UN DESA will launch a comprehensive report examining the linkages between international migration and the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
The report comes at a time of great need for balanced, fact-based analysis on migration. By strengthening the evidence base regarding the positive contributions of safe, orderly and regular migration, while highlighting the risks associated with unsafe or irregular movements, the report will support informed policymaking. It will also counter harmful and misleading narratives about migrants and migration.
Learn more about international migration from UN DESA’s Population Division.
Photo credit: Hemanth Madupu / ILO