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Partnerships and innovation for better data

The rapid expansion in new sources of data – from national statistics to citizen-generated data and private sector data for public good – are creating large-scale opportunities for new solutions, innovative approaches, and partnerships for better data for a more sustainable future for all.
“We cannot achieve what we cannot measure. Improved use of data and statistics are crucial to achieving the transformational vision of a better future for people and the planet, set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” says Francesca Perucci, Assistant Director in UN DESA’s Statistics Division.
That is why the fourth UN World Data Forum, taking place from 24-27 April in Hangzhou, China is focused on data to provide the insight we need to ensure a sustainable and safer future for all; partnerships and innovation to ensure data equality and that no one is left behind; ethical use of data and statistics to protect privacy and data rights; and sustainable funding to create resilient national data ecosystems so they are fit for the future and everyone benefits.
The Forum expects to bring together 1,500 in-person and nearly 20,000 virtual participants from national statistical offices, international organizations, the geospatial community, academic organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations to showcase innovations and build impactful partnerships.
Hosted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, with support from the Statistics Division of UN DESA, the programme of the UN World Data Forum offers over 100 different sessions and events including learning labs, plenaries featuring high-level speakers, demonstrations, exhibits and more, highlighting four thematic areas: (1) Innovation and partnerships for better and more inclusive data; (2) Maximizing the use and value of data for better decision-making; (3) Building trust and ethics in data; and (4) Emerging trends and partnerships to develop the data ecosystem.
This global gathering aims to build the road forward based on the outcomes of the previous forums: Cape Town Global Action Plan (2017), Dubai Declaration (2018), Global Data Community's Response to COVID-19 (2020), and Bern Compact (2021).
The Forum is organized under the guidance of the UN Statistical Commission and the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination, and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in close consultation with UN Member States and international partners.
For more information, visit, or follow @UNDataForum on Twitter.