More from UN DESA - May 2021
Development Cooperation Forum meets at a critical juncture for multilateralism
No one is safe until everyone is safe. No country, company or community can end the COVID-19 crisis working in isolation. International development cooperation can help the most vulnerable to reduce risks, build resilience to future shocks and ultimately, avoid a lost decade for development.
Digital tools for better parenting
During the COVID-19 crisis, our need and dependence on digital technologies to be able to perform remote work, participate in online schooling and stay connected with family and friends, have become evident. Innovative technologies have helped families carry out day-to-day tasks and routines while staying at home to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
New paths to sustainably manage forests and oceans
An estimated 1.6 billion people, or 25 per cent of the global population, rely on forests for their subsistence needs, livelihoods, employment and income. In addition, more than 3 billion people rely on marine and coastal biodiversity to make a living.
Two new reports issued by the UN in April underscore the need to protect the world’s forests and ocean and to show pathways for managing them in more sustainable ways amid the escalating climate crisis and the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.