
UN DESA Monthly Newsletter for March 2022

Monthly Newsletter: Vol 26, No. 3 – March 2022
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Better data - for people and planet

With the help of trusted data, our world can track progress on development targets. How is the world faring when it comes to eliminating extreme poverty, combating climate change or achieving gender equality? Reliable and timely statistics hold some of the answers. During the COVID-19 crisis, data have also played a critical role in efforts to save lives.

On 28 February to 2 March and 4 March, statisticians from across the globe will come together virtually at the UN Statistical Commission to advance this work further.

Expert Voices

Trees for life – an inspiration to live more sustainably

“Regardless of where we live, the world’s forests sustain us all,” says Yan Lang, Programme Management Officer, in UN DESA’s Forum on Forests Secretariat, as we catch up ahead of the International Day of Forests on 21 March. Ms. Lang describes the current state of our forests and what actions we can take to protect them.

Forests play a critical role for life on Earth. Can you explain why and give some examples?

Things You Need To Know

4 things you need to know about groundwater

The human family and our planet all depend on water for our survival. Yet, 2 billion people lack safe water today. To raise awareness about this critical resource, the world comes together every year on 22 March to celebrate World Water Day. This year is all about groundwater - making the invisible, visible. Here are 4 things you need to know about groundwater and the Day:

1. Core focus is to achieve water and sanitation for all