Making nature count
Since the beginning of time, we have treated nature as a free and endless provider of services. We hike in forests, swim in oceans and use its resources without a second thought. But even if we don’t pay for these goods and services, their value is far from zero.
In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to realize that we have taken nature for granted for far too long.
Expert Voices
What does water mean to you?
A chemical substance? A life-giving force? A human right? A commodity? Water means different things to different people. As we prepare to celebrate World Water Day on 22nd March, we talk about the value of water with Nicolas Franke, Sustainable Development Officer at UN DESA.
In December 2020, a world’s first futures market in water was created on Wall Street, meaning that water can now be traded by financiers like gold or oil. Has the world entered a water crisis? How can we stop it?
Things You Need To Know
Four things you need to know about forests and health
Forests are good for our physical and mental wellbeing. Spending time around trees helps boost our immune system, lowers blood pressure and promotes relaxation. From cleaner air to providing natural cooling and the freshwater we drink, forests support our health in ways that may not be visible.
1. Forests provide us medicines