Population growth, environmental degradation and climate change
More than a third of 50 recently surveyed Nobel laureates cited “population rise / environmental degradation” as the biggest threat to humankind. Second on the list was “nuclear war”, cited by 23 per cent of the laureates, while no other issue was selected by more than 10 per cent of respondents.
Expert Voices
Ending poverty and hunger once and for all – is it possible?
The COVID-19 crisis has led to the first rise in extreme poverty and food insecurity in 20 years. Is it realistic to end these two scourges once and for all? Ahead of the Commission for Social Development this month, we ask UN DESA’s Wenyan Yang about this and what is needed to ensure that all people, everywhere, can live a healthy life in dignity.
People have been suffering poverty and hunger for as long as our species exists. Is it realistic to end these two scourges once and for all?
Things You Need To Know
4 ways you can shape the global agenda
The days of multilateralism as a closed club of governments are over. The UN is spearheading a new approach to international cooperation that is more networked, inclusive and effective in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. Here are 4 ways you can join in this effort and have your voice heard:
1. Register for the ECOSOC Partnership Forum