
MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014: The State of the Global Partnership for Development

MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014: The State of the Global Partnership for Development
Publication Date:
Category: Economic Analysis and Policy, Financing for Development, Sustainable Development
Language: English
Publication File:
Citation: United Nations (2014). MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014: The State of the Global Partnership for Development. New York.

Targets for the Millennium Development Goals related to the global partnership to improve people’s lives and end poverty show mixed results on providing the poorest developing countries with greater access to aid, trade, debt relief, essential medicines and technologies, according to a new report launched today by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

The lives of millions of people worldwide have improved due to concerted efforts – at the global, regional, national and local levels – to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Recent statistics show that with many MDG targets already met – including reducing poverty, increasing access to clean drinking water, improving the lives of slum dwellers, and achieving gender parity in primary school – many more targets are within reach by the end of 2015. However, much unfinished business remains.

“Now more than ever, leaders and citizens across the globe must boldly step forward to join in essential collective actions to eradicate poverty, raise living standards and sustain the environment,” Mr. Ban said. “I call on all Governments and international institutions to continue strengthening the global partnership for development so that we can usher in a more sustainable future.”

The MDG Gap Task Force Report 2014, entitled, “The State of the Global Partnership for Development,” tracks delivery on commitments listed under Millennium Development Goal 8—the global partnership for development. Goal 8 was created as a call to developed countries to extend specific types of support to developing countries to help them achieve the other seven MDGs, which include targets on reducing poverty, hunger and child and maternal mortality, and increasing access to education, and environmental sustainability.

Mr. Ban said the report “focuses on the gap between commitments made and cooperation delivered, with the ultimate goal of helping the international community bridge the difference.”

The report finds that many targets for Goal 8 are close to being achieved, while progress on others continues to be slow. Duty-free and quota-free access to developed country markets was extended for exports from the 49 least developed countries, but agricultural subsidies in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries remain entrenched. Debt relief for the world’s poorest countries has increased, but small States continue to face longstanding debt sustainability challenges. Private investment has spurred the greater availability and falling cost of telecommunications across the developing world, but the gains need to be accelerated to reduce gaps with the rest of the world. In addition, the report says too many people continue to lack access to affordable essential medicines.

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